Erfahrungsberichte zum AGBC Reisestipendium
Die Bayerische Amerika-Akademie vergibt mit Unterstützung des American-German Business Club Munich e.V. (AGBC) ein Reisestipendium für einen Recherche- und Forschungsaufenthalt in den USA. Hier finden Sie heraus, was einige unserer Stipendiat*innen zum Programm sagen.

Jan Längle, 2024
Universität Augsburg
When I decided that I wanted to travel to the US for a research stay to add a comparative component to my PhD project on the human rights responsibilities of large multinational enterprises, I could not possibly have known how great of a journey I was about to embark on. Doing research in Washington D.C., the nation’s buzzing capital, was incredibly rewarding. Aside from getting in touch with renowned experts and working in the world’s largest law library in the library of congress, I got to meet interesting people from around the world, attend events at various embassy and political events. I thank the BAA and the AGBC for making this experience possible.

Picture People
Alexandra Schenke, 2023
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Thanks to the AGBC Travel Stipend, I was able to conduct archival research for my dissertation project at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, in the fall of 2023. The straightforward setup of this stipend afforded me great flexibility in my travel planning and thus allowed me to gain valuable insights into source collections that were crucial to my work and only available for a limited time. I’m happy to say that I benefitted greatly from this experience, both in terms of my research and the network the AGBC offers its fellows.

Franziska Schmitt
Anna-Katharina Schaper, 2022
Universität Würzburg
From September 2022 to February 2023, I was a visiting scholar at Babson College (Entrepreneurship Division). During my research stay, I was hosted by William B. Gartner (Bertarelli Foundation Distinguished Professor of Family Entrepreneurship). My research stay at Babson was one of the highlights of my doctoral studies. Being surrounded by like-minded entrepreneurship scholars and embedded in a vibrant academic environment helped me grow as a researcher and pave my way to a career in academia. After having returned from the US, I started a postdoctoral researcher position at the Technical University of Munich.

Milena Rinck, 2022
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The AGBC Travel Stipend allowed me not only to conduct my PhD research in California by interviewing practitioners of German Cultural Institutions and attending their public events as the research subject of my analysis, it also gave me the opportunity for an extended stay during which I was able to reflect on my research findings in the broader context of the diverse cultural scene of Los Angeles.

Anna Axtner-Borsutzky, 2020
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Von Februar bis April 2024 (Verschiebung aufgrund der Corona-Zeit) hatte ich die außergewöhnliche Gelegenheit, als Visiting Research Scholar am German Department der New York University zu forschen. Für mich war es eine besondere Erfahrung, so viel über die transatlantische Geschichte zu lernen. Ich habe faszinierende Archivalien entdeckt und unglaublich inspirierende, Mut machende und interessante Menschen kennengelernt. Das AGBC Reisestipendium ermöglichte es mir zudem, in der bewundernswerten Beinecke Library (Yale University) und in der Library of Congress in Washington D. C. zu arbeiten. Der gesamte Forschungsaufenthalt ist definitiv ein Highlight meiner bisherigen wissenschaftlichen Karriere.