Environmental Citizenship: Politics, Practices, Representations
Can the notion of ‘environmental citizenship’ be an adequate response to global phenomena like climate change? The Bavarian American Academy’s 2023 Annual Conference brings together renowned scholars from the field of American Studies and beyond to discuss this and other questions touching upon the concept, exploring its implications for the present moment. The conference takes place from July 6 to 8, 2023, at Amerikahaus Munich.
In the opening lecture on Thursday, Rebecca Tsosie (University of Arizona) speaks about “Land-Based Citizenship and Indigenous Futures.” A second keynote address by Jouni Häkli (University of Tampere) explores the topic of the conference and the connections it evokes, leaving people between (unwarranted) hope and (unproductive) despair. A third keynote address by Joshua Barnett (Penn State University) focuses on “Environmental Citizenship and the Trouble with Care.” All three keynote lectures will be live-streamed on the Amerikahaus YouTube-channel.
We look forward to three days of productive exchange and meaningful discussions. The full conference program, including further information about speakers, panels, and individual talks, is available on our website.
Photo: Conference Flyers © Bavarian American Academy