Research Databases
Online databases allow researchers to very precisely sift through large data sets for information in a variety of topic areas. If you would like to use our databases, we are happy to explain the formalities of getting good results and to help you create a personal research strategy. Any relevant articles you find can be printed in our Research Center.
Here you will find a list of our databases, organized by resource type.
Photo: ©Sam Albury /
Newspaper and Magazine archives, Academic Journals
Here you will find the current issues of approx. 15 U.S. magazines: American Craft, Bloomberg Businessweek, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Forbes, Foreign Policy, MIT Technology Review, National Geographic, National Geographic Traveler, National Review, O, The Oprah Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Reader's Digest, Rolling Stone, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, TIME, Wired
Academic Search Premiere
This database from EBSCO contains full-text articles from over 6,000 academic journals dating back to the 1880s. Topics included are in the social sciences, humanities, education, ethnic studies, arts, literature and more.
Gale in Context: Middle School
This database is most useful for people looking for introductory information to topics and for articles that are easy to understand.
The main emphasis of this database is international, academic sources from Social Studies, Economics, and History. 850 academic journals are included in our license.
Not only North American resources like the New York Times, Washington Post and others are found here, but also articles from European, South American, Asian and Australian newspapers and other news media are available here.
Periodicals Archive Online / PAO 1802-1995 (supported by the DFG)
This archive contains approximately 350 humanities and social studies periodicals in full-text.
In this database, you will find the current issues of thousands of newspapers and magazines in over 60 languages. You can filter results by language, country and subject; the platform is very user-friendly.
Analysis and Background Knowledge
American History Online Database
Information about 500 years of U.S. politics, military history, society and culture..
African American History Online Database
Numerous articles about Black history. Primary documents, biographies and graphs supplement this database.
American Indian History Online Database
Materials on the histories and cultures of indigenous peoples of the Americas, descriptions of specific groups and tribes.
Bloom's Literary Reference Online Database
Many articles and critiques of not only U.S. authors and works, but also international authors. Additionally, this database contains descriptions and analyses of characters, literary themes, and eras, as well as articles about literary genres.
CQ Researcher
A database with reports on various political and social topics for the years 1923 through 2011.
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Contains digital non-fiction works.
Issues and Controversies
In-depth analyses of current social and political phenomena. Topic examples: Middle Eastern conflicts, Race in America, Bullying, School Safety, Juvenile Death Penalty, Sweatshops, Race in Sports, etc.
Issues and Controversies in American History
Textual overviews about historical events with social significance in the U.S., for example the Black Power Movement, Chinese Exclusion Act, Reconstruction Era, Slavery, Feminist Movement, etc.
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
This database offers information about important events and developments of U.S. politics and society. Users will find not only facts, but also analyses, opinion pieces and evaluations for each topic area.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Here you will find dissertations and other academic thesis works from over 700 higher education institutions worldwide. In most cases, the full-text version of the paper is accessible.
Primary Documents
Digital National Security Archive (supported by the DFG)
Large collection of primary documents (file notes, interviews, executive orders) about U.S. military politics since 1945.
North American Immigrant Letters (supported by the DFG)
This database contains over 100,000 pages of letters, journals, and autobiographies involving the experiences of immigrants to North America over the past hundreds of years.
Periodicals Archive Online / PAO 1802-1995 (supported by the DFG)
This archive contains approximately 350 humanities and social studies periodicals.
We are happy to consult you during your visit or during an online research consultation about further databases and archives that are freely accessible on the internet.
Contact Us
Head of Research Center, Student and Teacher Programs
+49 89 552537-20