Information about the eBook Club
Do you live in the surrounding area of the Amerikahaus Munich - Bavarian Center for Transatlantic Relations? If so, you can become a member of our eBook Club for free!
A variety of bestsellers, classics, non-fiction and audio books await you. As an Amerikahaus eBook Club member, we give you access to the online platform OverDrive, an American digital distributor. You can read eBooks on your eBook reader, tablet, smartphone or computer.
New to the eBook Club: unlimited access to over 125 U.S. Magazines!
Becoming a member of the eBook Club is free for everyone who lives in the greater Munich area and some surrounding regions. Please contact us if you are not sure whether you live within the eBook Club region. The eBook Club requires access to the internet and works best with a handheld device or computer.
Simply fill out the registration form and e-mail it to or fax it to 089 55 25 37-24. As soon as your membership request has been approved, we will send you a link to our electronic library via e-mail.
Photo: ©felipepelaquim /
Member Login
Already a member?
Click here to access the eBook Club via OverDrive.
eBook Catalog
Want a sneak-preview of what the eBook club has to offer?
Access the eBook Club Catalog in OverDrive here.
Contact Us for More Information
Head of Research Center, Student and Teacher Programs
+49 89 552537-20