The Amerikahaus is closed from September 5 until September 7, 2024

The Amerikahaus will be closed on September 5, 2024, and will remain closed through September 7, 2024. Thanks for your understanding.

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Our successful Master Classes for Students annually reach thousands of students in grades 11 through 13. Our goal is to offer discussion-worthy lectures about U.S.-related topics specifically catered to young people attending the Oberstufe at Gymnasium and FOS/BOS schools.

Participation in these lectures is free, but reserved for students, student groups, and their teachers. A full overview of the upcoming lectures can be found on our German page, "Fortbildungen für Schüler*innen". To view the German page, click the "DE" above.

Photo: ©Robert Kneschke /

Sarah Ackermann

Head of Research Center, Student and Teacher Programs


+49 89 552537-20