Opening Hours for the Exhibition

Please note: On Thursday, February 13, 2025, you can visit our exhibition "Lee Miller Photography" only to a limitied extent due to the "MSC@Amerikahaus – Emerging Leaders" events. On Friday, February 14, 2025, and Saturday, February 15, 2025, our photo exhibition is closed all day. Thank you for your understanding! 

Nahaufnahme der US-Flagge ©Luke Michael /

USA Update 2024

Friday, July 12, 2024, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

This seminar is fully booked, and a waiting list has been put in place.
This seminar will take place in Amerikahaus. A livestream with possibility for active participation is also available. Upon registration, please select only one participation format.

Mere months before the next presidential election, where does the United States stand? What successes and failures did the Biden administration have and how has it handled foreign policy? What are the issues that divide American politics and society on the national and local level? And what are we in for concerning the general elections in November 2024? As usual, satirical cartoons and videos will provide comic relief on these often dark and serious issues.

09:00 The ups and downs of the Biden administration
10:00 Foreign policy priorities and challenges for the Biden administration
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 Domestic politics and culture wars on the national and local level
12:15 The 2024 (mostly Republican) presidential primaries and the general election
13:00 Conclusion and discussion
14:00 End

Registration fee: € 10 per teacher seminar. ATTENTION: This seminar is already fully booked. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please submit a form as usual, and you will be notified of your current waiting list spot. There is no fee for waitlisted prospective participants.

Please register via our registration form or online via FIBS.
FIBS: Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus gGmbH

Photo above: © Luke Michael /

Markus Hünemörder mit einem Simpsons-Statue ©Markus Hünemörder

About Markus Hünemörder

Dr. Markus Hünemörder ist Lehrbeauftragter und Studienberater an der LMU München. Sein Interessensgebiet ist die amerikanische Politik und die amerikanische politische Kultur. Durch sein fundiertes Expertenwissen bringt Dr. Hünemörder dem Publikum wichtige US-Themen nahe, mit angemessenem Humor und satirischem Kulturgut.

Amerikahaus Logo @Amerikahaus

Amerikahaus – Bavarian Center for Transatlantic Relations

Karolinenplatz 3, 80333, Munich

Sarah Ackermann

Head of Research Center, Student and Teacher Programs


+49 89 552537-20

Johannes Elle

Student Trainee Research Center, Student and Teacher Programs


089 55 25 37-20