About the BAA Summer Academy
Since 2009, the Bavarian American Academy has organized the annual BAA Summer Academy. Its aim is to provide about 20 early-stage researchers, usually PhD students, from Germany, the United States, Canada, and other European Countries, discourses and methods of research in American Studies, History, and Political and Social Sciences.
The BAA Summer Academy is intended to develop the ability of its participants to transfer theories across cultural contexts and disciplines and providing a platform to build and consolidate international academic networks.
The BAA Summer Academy consists of three parts. In the first part keynotes and lectures, given by highly esteemed scholars from the U.S. and Europe, give insights in their field of research. In the second part the participants give work-in-progress presentations of their projects within the framework of the respective topic and discuss and develop their own approach to the topic. In the third part the group experiences a cultural program, related to the theme of the Summer Academy. Field trips to museums, memorial sites, or discussions with leading figures are an important part of the program.
Since 2009 we welcomed about 200 participants and 109 speakers from across the world and cooperated with 19 universities and institutions such as the Fulbright Commission, the German Historical Institute in Washington D.C., or the U.S. Consulate General in Munich.
Photo: ©Amerikahaus München
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Managing Director Bavarian American Academy
089 55 25 37-42