Erfahrungsberichte zum Post-Graduate Research Fellowship an der Harvard University
Die Bayerische Amerika-Akademie und der Harvard Club München e.V. vergeben zwei Post-Graduate Research Fellowships an der Harvard University. Hier finden Sie heraus, was einige unserer Stipendiat*innen zum Programm sagen.
Katharina Strika, 2023
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The BAA Fellowship proved to be a highly enriching experience, benefiting me both academically and personally. It not only gave me the opportunity to immerse myself in the wealth of Harvard’s library resources, such as rare books at Harvard’s Houghton Library or maps at the Harvard Map Collection, but I was also able to partake in Harvard’s vibrant campus life and academic culture. In particular, I cherished the chance to discuss my research with scholars and to attend distinguished lectures, workshops, and events. I am profoundly grateful to the Bavarian American Academy and the Harvard Club of Munich for giving me the opportunity to conduct research at Harvard.
Moritz Reichert, 2023
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Being able to research at Harvard as a legal scholar focused on securities and corporate law has provided me with three key benefits: It has exposed me to the most advanced thinking on the efficient regulation of capital markets as well as the economic analysis of law. It has also been an unparalleled opportunity to meet like-minded scholars from across the globe. Finally, researching at a vibrant campus such as Harvard allows you to interact with incredible people from across a variety of different academic fields. This really helps to broaden your perspective and advances your thinking in many respects.
Stefanie Schuster, 2022
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Mir gefiel ganz besonders, dass das Fellowship einen Forschungsaufenthalt ermöglicht, der außerordentlich gut auf die individuellen Recherchebedürfnisse angepasst werden kann. Dank der Flexibilität, zusammen mit dem Zugang zu einer beeindruckenden Vielfalt an Ressourcen, kann man die Zeit, die man vor Ort in Cambridge hat, optimal für die Forschung nutzen. Die Förderung ermöglicht auch tief in die Materie einzutauchen – im Archiv einmal länger bei einer Quelle zu verweilen oder Fachleute vor Ort mit einer spontanen Frage direkt anzusprechen. Das Stipendium bietet eine wertvolle Chance, das eigene Forschungsprojekt und persönliche Kompetenzen in vielerlei Hinsicht weiterzuentwickeln.
Marc Wiesner, 2022
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The Fellowship is a unique opportunity that provides access to the resources of Harvard University, including its libraries, online services, and databases. Furthermore, it offers the opportunity to meet with Harvard professors in person, who were always willing to listen to my questions and take the time to discuss my research. These conversations gave me a lot of food for thought. I also immersed myself in Harvard’s campus life, attending interesting lectures and participating in exciting events. My time at Harvard greatly advanced my research, introduced me to new friends, and motivated me for my future research. Don’t hesitate - apply!
Luca Messerschmidt, 2021
Technische Universität München
Through the generous support from the Bavarian American Academy (BAA) and the Harvard Club Munich, I have spent the last months from January to July 2022 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. During my time, I was able to interact with many interesting and delightful scholars. Receiving and providing feedback in courses, seminars, and research workshops has allowed me to not only work on finishing my dissertation but also learn a lot about myself and my future career. I am overly thankful to the BAA as well as the Harvard Club Munich for making this research stay possible and providing a unique opportunity to engage with excellent and motivated researchers and colleagues.
Christina Hofmann, 2021
Universität Bayreuth
I spent spring 2022 at Harvard University thanks to the BAA Fellowship and was able to gather valuable historical sources for my PhD. During my time at Harvard, I found substantial evidence of transatlantic educational exchange and shared conceptions of humanity, e.g. at the Harvard University Archives, and was able to talk to senior Harvard graduates. The oral history interviews I had already conducted with German actors could, thus, be supplemented with additional voices that provided insight not only in a part of Harvard’s own history, but also in the German-American bond when it comes to crucial questions of what and how to teach.
Christoffer Leber, 2020
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Im Herbst 2022 verbrachte ich mit Unterstützung der Bayerischen Amerika-Akademie (BAA) zwei Monate in Cambridge/Boston. Mein Aufenthalt in Harvard war sowohl wissenschaftlich als auch persönlich eine bereichernde Zeit. Die Archive vor Ort hielten einen reichen Schatz an Quellen bereit, aus dem ich für mein Postdoc-Projekt schöpfen konnte. Durch die Veranstaltungen fand ich schnell Anschluss und schloss Kontakte zu anderen Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen. Ein besonderes Highlight waren die Oral History Interviews, die ich auf meiner Reise mit Pionieren der modernen Wissenschaftsforschung und -geschichte führen durfte – eine unvergessliche Erfahrung. Für diejenigen, die in einer anregenden, internationalen Forschungsumgebung arbeiten wollen, ist das Harvard-Programm der BAA genau das richtige. Ich kann es wärmstens empfehlen!
Sakina Shakil Gröppmaier, 2020
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
The BAA Fellowship is an excellent opportunity to experience the world-class resources and academic environment Harvard University offers as well as join the rich community of the Bavarian American Academy. To make use of one of the world’s greatest academic library systems, to connect with leading scholars, and take part in a diverse body of students and researchers was enriching for both my professional and personal development at home and abroad, and I can recommend it to PhD or Postdoctoral scholars to advance the same.