Die Bayerische Amerika-Akademie vergibt ein Post-Graduate Research Fellowship an der Duke University an Wissenschaftler*innen in einem frühen Karrierestadium. Hier finden Sie heraus, was einige unserer Stipendiat*innen zum Programm sagen.

Lisa Seuberth ©privat

Lisa Seuberth, 2023

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

The BAA fellowship at Duke University gave me not only the opportunity to talk to distinguished experts in my field and solidify my argument, but also the confidence to position myself as a researcher in her own right. I attended lectures, cultural events, workshops, and traveled to places that enriched my understanding of the country I am researching about. Without this experience, my project would not have developed aspects that are now central parts of it. Many thanks to the BAA who made this research stay possible!

Annika Kraftzyk ©privat

Annika Kraftzyk, 2022

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Thanks to the BAA Fellowship, I was able to attend Duke University as a visiting scholar from September 2022 to October 2022. My research stay was highly beneficial and enriching both for my dissertation project and as a new cultural experience. Due to the great support of the library staff at Duke, I found plenty of additional literary sources for my research project. Apart from the great benefits for my research, I was very happy to experience the Southern culture of the United States. Overall, my research stay was a great experience and I would definitely recommend applying for the fellowship.