Hinweis zu den Öffnungszeiten unserer Ausstellung

Bitte beachten Sie: Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025, ist die Besichtigung unserer Ausstellung "Lee Miller Photography" wegen des Aufbaus für Veranstaltungen von MSC@Amerikahaus nur eingeschränkt möglich. Am Freitag, 14. Februar 2025, und Samstag, 15. Februar 2025, ist die Ausstellung geschlossen. Herzlichen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

View on the Globe from Space © NASA / unsplash.com

Navigating the Shift: Security Challenges in a Multipolar World

Saturday, February 17, 2024, 1:30 p.m. (CET)

NATO has played an impactful role in world affairs in the post-WW2 order. In a world facing the sudden resurgence of global insecurity and hybrid and post-conventional warfare, NATO has to find new and innovative solutions to maintain its members' security. In our event, participants will be introduced to the topic of International Security Challenges via a panel discussion with experts in the field and culminating in a political simulation with participants assuming the role of a minister of defense in the North Atlantic Council (NAC), NATO’s highest decision-making body. The panel discussion will be open to the public and provide participants with first-hand knowledge of currently relevant international security challenges and how they are dealt with in decision-making bodies. After having gleaned insights from the panel discussion our simulation participants will be faced with a crisis scenario, they must reach a consensus among the committee members and commit to the decisions made, allowing them to act considering all they learned.

PD Dr. Frank Sauer, Universität der Bundeswehr München
Dr. Markus Reisner, Colonel, Austrian Armed Forces
Dr. Benjamin Pohl, Head of Programme Climate Diplomacy and Security Adelphi
Dr. Ulrike Franke, Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)

Photo: © NASA / unsplash.com

Admission is free. Please register via the following registration form. Please click the button "Load external content" if the form is not displayed directly.

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This event is part of the Munich Security Conference's official side events, "MSC@Amerikahaus: Emerging Leaders." Learn more about "MSC©Amerikahaus: Emerging Leaders" and its events here.

Amerikahaus München

Karolinenplatz 3, 80333, München

Dr. Markus Faltermeier

Leiter Programme Handels- und Sicherheitspolitik


089 55 25 37-65

Tessa Brockt

Werkstudentin Programme Handels- und Sicherheitspolitik


089 55 25 37-85