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View on the Globe from Space © NASA / unsplash.com

From Likes to Lines of Defense: Why it Matters to Recognize the Role of Social Media Influencers for Security

Saturday, February 17, 2024, 11:30 a.m. (CET)

Authoritarian regimes employ large-scale disinformation operations to flank physical warfare. Russia’s war against Ukraine is a particularly graphic example of communicative power playing a larger than ever role in today’s hybrid conflicts. The security community must pay more attention to the online platforms where an information war is being waged. Among the key figures within this sphere are online opinion leaders, also known as social media influencers or content creators. The roundtable discussion should encourage participants of the MSC to get to know the perspective of two social media influencers from Ukraine and discuss approaches towards democratic resilience with a government representative and a representative of a social media platform. The event draws on the findings of the Aspen Germany 2023 project "Disinformation and the Role of Social Media Influencers in Times of Crises, Conflicts, and Wars," which brought together experts and policymakers with politically engaged influencers from six countries to develop recommendations for countering both misinformation and disinformation.

Lutz Güllner, Head of the Strategic Communication Division of the European External Action Service (EEAS)
Katharina Schulze, Chairwoman of the Alliance 90/The Greens Parliamentary Group, Member of the Bavarian State Parliament 
Clint Watts, General Manager, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center 
Yuliia Tymoshenko, Marketing and Communications Manager at Saint Javelin, Editor in Chief at Ukrainer und Online Activist 
Valeriia Voshchevska, Freelance Digital Communications Strategist, Online Activist, and Co-Founder of the Podcast Series @UkrainianSpaces, Former Global Head of Digital Engagement at Amnesty International 

Photo: © NASA / unsplash.com

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This event is part of the Munich Security Conference's official side events, "MSC@Amerikahaus: Emerging Leaders." Learn more about "MSC©Amerikahaus: Emerging Leaders" and its events here.

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Dr. Markus Faltermeier

Leiter Programme Handels- und Sicherheitspolitik


089 55 25 37-65

Tessa Brockt

Werkstudentin Programme Handels- und Sicherheitspolitik


089 55 25 37-85