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View on the Globe from Space © NASA / unsplash.com

Navigating Icy Waters: Mapping Transatlantic Strategies for the Arctic

Friday, February 16, 2024, 5:30 p.m. (CET)

The event will examine the Arctic security and defence policies of the US and the EU. Rising geopolitical tensions and the impact of climate change make preserving security and environmental stability in the region imperative. The transatlantic community recognises the significance of these challenges: The US National Security Strategy prioritises maintaining a “Peaceful Arctic”, while the EU’s Arctic strategy acknowledges the rapid changes occurring due to global warming, geopolitical rivalries, and amplified commercial interests. The event will highlight, however, the lack of comprehensive and concrete measures or financial commitments to achieve the stated objectives. We will also discuss authoritarian regimes' growing subversive activities and interests, such as Russia’s military buildup and China’s “Polar Silk Road.” By scrutinising the strengths and weaknesses of these policies, we seek to inform strategy-making processes and enhance their efficacy in addressing evolving geopolitical challenges, protecting our interests, and fostering stability and cooperation in the Arctic.

Clara Ganslandt
, Special Envoy for Arctic Matters and Head of the Western Europe /Arctic /Regional Division
Mike Kiselycznyk, Senior Advisor, Office of the U.S. Coordinator for the Arctic Region 
Michael Link, Member of Parliament, German Bundestag & Coordinator of Transatlantic Intersocietal Cooperation of Cultural and Information Policy
Nicolas Jouan, Senior Analyst, RAND Corporation, Europe

Photo: © NASA / unsplash.com

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This event is part of the Munich Security Conference's official side events, "MSC@Amerikahaus: Emerging Leaders." Learn more about "MSC©Amerikahaus: Emerging Leaders" and its events here.

Amerikahaus München

Karolinenplatz 3, 80333, München

Dr. Markus Faltermeier

Leiter Programme Handels- und Sicherheitspolitik


089 55 25 37-65

Tessa Brockt

Werkstudentin Programme Handels- und Sicherheitspolitik


089 55 25 37-85