Eine Gruppe Demonstrierender kniet und streckt die Faust in den Himmel ©Clay Banks / unsplash.com

"I Can't Breathe": Contemporary Race Relations in the U.S.

Mittwoch und Donnerstag, 23.-24. Februar 2022, jeweils 17-19:30 Uhr

This teacher seminar will take place digitally via Zoom. It will not be recorded; live participation is required.

This talk examines race relations in the United States today with a specific focus on the situation of African Americans and the recent controversies over police violence. Were the great achievements of the civil rights movement in the 1960s in vain? What is the social and economic situation of racial minorities in the early 21st century? Is class as much a factor in today’s problems as race? What role does the extremely fragmented organization of police forces in the US play? What are the political implications and consequences of recent conflicts? We will look at these and other questions. As much as possible, political humor and satire will help lighten up these grim topics.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022
17:00    Introduction: The Legacy of the Civil Rights Movement
17:45    Race and Education, Income and Class
18:30     Political Participation and Voter Obstruction
19:00     Open Discussion
19:30    End
Thursday, February 24, 2022    
17:00    Criminal Justice, Police Shootings, and Protests
18:00     Post-Racial Society or White Privilege? Different Perceptions of Racism in the U.S.
19:00     Open Discussion
19:30     End

Registration fee: € 10 per teacher seminar

Please register via our registration form or online via FIBS.
FIBS: Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus gGmbH

Note: This seminar takes place over the course of two evenings. Due to this schedule, participants of this seminar will receive a participation certificate, but we cannot offer a certificate for "Dienstbefreiung". Thank you for your understanding.

Markus Hünemörder mit Simpsons-Statue ©Markus Hünemörder

About Markus Hünemörder

Dr. Markus Hünemörder ist Lehrbeauftragter und Studienberater an der LMU München. Sein Interessensgebiet ist die amerikanische Politik und die amerikanische politische Kultur. Durch sein fundiertes Expertenwissen bringt Dr. Hünemörder dem Publikum wichtige US-Themen nahe, mit angemessenem Humor und satirischem Kulturgut.

Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus

Diese Fortbildung findet digital via Zoom statt. Lehrkräfte erhalten den Zugang ca. eine Woche vor Veranstaltung und nach erfolgreicher Anmeldung.

Sarah Ackermann

Leiterin Recherchezentrum, Programme Schüler*innen und Lehrkräfte


089 55 25 37-20