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Queer Studies in the Classroom

Mittwoch bis Freitag, 01.-03. Juni 2022, jeweils 9-14 Uhr

Diese Fortbildung wird aktuell als Präsenzveranstaltung geplant. 

In Anglophone contexts, “queer” has developed into a kind of umbrella term for individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, non-binary, asexual, or in a wider sense as not heterosexual. But the term “queer” also has a significant political history, which is reflected in the field of queer theory. While queer theory frequently appears to be a rather academic discourse that tends to rely on its own complicated jargon and be far removed from actual everyday life, it actually emerged in conjunction with the HIV/AIDS activism in the late 1980s and 1990s in the USA. In its core impulses, queer theory is very much concerned with the ways in which people live in their communities and in society at large. 
This seminar will have a look at ways in which impulses from queer theory can become useful tools in the English classroom to discuss societal conventions that have long been assumed to simply be “natural,” or “normal.” In this way, I aim to show how the questions that queer theory asks can productively be integrated in the course plan to reflect on the diversity of contemporary society, and to ask productive questions about current ideas of for example family, gender norms, stereotypes and tolerance, and the role of media